An African Adventure

I've been working for a little over three years now in a small town hospital on our general medicine unit and in our emergency department.  Most of my nursing experience is with adult patients, although I do have some paediatric patients.
Last year, one of my friends told me about an organization called Mercy Ships, which is an humanitarian organization performing surgeries for African people who cannot afford them or who do not have access to hospitals and health care.  Mercy Ships operates by using a ship (the Africa Mercy) which has been converted into a floating hospital.

More than just good things

I was excited to learn that Mercy Ships is not just about humanitarian efforts (which are great), but they also have as their mission: "Following the 2000-year-old model of Jesus, Mercy Ships brings hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor."  This I liked, and even better, their values are right in line with my own!  They hold to a balance of meeting both the physical and the spiritual needs of people.
Desiring to follow the model of Jesus, we (Mercy Ships and myself) seek to:
  1. Love God
  2. Love and serve others
  3. Be people of integrity
  4. Be people of excellence in all we say and do.

How does this relate to me?

I decided to apply and see if there was a position for me to volunteer with Mercy Ships.  I found out that I could volunteer for a minimum of 2 months.  Originally, I was hoping to volunteer during the winter of 2016, but God had other plans. I was accepted to work as a paediatric ward nurse between September 2016 and May 2017.  Then it was a matter of waiting until Mercy Ships contacted me to provide my scheduling requests.
In early May 2016, I received an e-mail from Mercy Ships regarding staffing!  I didn't really have any ideas when I would be able to volunteer though, as I had used most of my vacation time up for another missions opportunity.  For some reason, I thought of autumn 2016, but didn't get much further with anything.  In fact, I missed the deadline to send in my availability, but I decided to e-mail Mercy Ships anyway, just in case there was still a need.  It did not take long at all to hear back.  There was an opportunity to serve for nine weeks between September and November 2016!

Tough decisions

I was praying a lot about what to do.  There were quite a few things I needed to have in place for this entire trip to work out.  It was late May, and I needed to have an answer for Mercy Ships by June 1, 2016.  My Mom encouraged me to write down everything that I needed to occur for me to be able to go:
  • roommate or someone to check on my house
  • money for crew fees/flights
  • immunizations and medications (and the correct timing for the necessary immunizations)
  • flights (decent flights and a good price)
  • visa
  • nursing experience/skills
It may sound strange, but I began praying that God would accomplish all of these things by today (June 1st).  Very quickly, as it was a limited time frame, God provided what I needed.  1.) It turned out, a visa wasn't needed for Mercy Ships volunteers - there is an agreement worked out between the country and Mercy Ships.  Check, one thing marked off.  2.) Flights are pricey, but there are a few decent options available.  Check, that's the second thing.  3.) In terms of money, I have money in the bank and I know God will provide for this trip and for the things I will need to purchase in the future.  This trip will be a huge test of faith and will stretch me!  4.) I booked in for my immunizations.  5.) And I have plans to learn about some of the surgeries done and to gain more knowledge of pediatric nursing.  Check, check, check! That is 5 out of 6 things on my list that God has worked out so far!
The only thing left was someone to take care of my place.  I think I believed God actually could work this out, but at the same time, I doubted Him.  He has provided for me over and over in the past, yet I did not fully believe He could provide now.   Two days ago, I still did not have this set up.  I've been praying that God's will would be done, and that He would close the door if it is not His plan for me to go to Africa.  Yet by asking Him to provide an answer by today, it felt like I was giving Him an ultimatum.  If everything didn't happen by today, would I take that as an answer that I am not supposed to go?


Well, given that I am writing this blog, it's obvious that God has provided!  I didn't have an opportunity to find out what I would do if things didn't work out.  He did it within this very short time period, even though I did not trust Him fully.  To me, it really is a miracle that God has worked it out for my friend to house-sit for nine weeks!  God is faithful, and He is good to prove Himself over and over again.
