Confess and Forsake

There have been some hiccups in my plans to go to Benin.  My mom wisely cautioned me a few months ago, in the midst of God miraculously orchestrating details of my trip, that there may be difficulties to come.  While the good times were plentiful, I had no idea of how stressful it could and would be for difficult circumstances to arise.  Well as moms are almost always right, my mom was right, and I definitely have undergone some obstacles.

It is very common that my first reaction in stressful situations is to be anxious and worry about it all.  My anxiety arises despite knowing that worry will not lengthen my life nor solve any situations (Matthew 6:27).  However, I do know that God's Word says my response is sinful.  What does God have to say about anxiety?
God says, "Be anxious for nothing..." (Philippians 4:6a)

When I am anxious, it is sinful.  But compounding my sin, in my anxiety, I was disobeying God further by doubting God.  And yet, when I repented of my sin, it was amazing to see that God began to work out some of the details I was concerned about.  Going through this situation has taught me that:
"If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear." (Proverbs 66:18)

And yet confession of my sin restores my relationship with God!  Similarly, whenever we do wrong to a family member or friend and apologize to them, this often brings us closer together.  God did not have to work out my problems when I apologized to Him, but He began doing so anyway!  He is a good and gracious God!
